San Juan Back Country Horsemen typically meets on the third Monday of every month (except June and December) at the Community United Methodist Church, 434 Lewis St, Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147. We gather for a potluck at 6 p.m. and a general meeting at 6:30 p.m., followed by a guest speaker. Check the SJBCH Facebook page for meeting notices.
In addition to our commitment to keep backcountry trails open and accessible to all, we also engage in various activities to promote the heritage and tradition of our public lands and to foster a better understanding of the interaction of horses and mules with other trail users. We have participated at various events, including National Public Lands Day and National Trails Day, to demonstrate the use of primitive tools, such as crosscut saws, that are used in wilderness areas to clear downed trees. We also have partnered with Girl and Boy Scouts and other trail user groups to promote trail stewardship. We believe that collaboration and working with youth are key to the long-term preservation of our public lands.
We also enjoy a strong sense of camaraderie through group rides and by representing SJBCH in such activities as the Fourth of July parade.